Classification & riding levels

Would you like to get a taste of MTB or improve your skills?

We offer courses, camps and private lessons for all ages and riding levels. Our certified guides will take you to the next level with joy & passion. Fun & action are always in the foreground!

We also offer MTB tours and a trail day.


Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Would you like to try out what MTB is all about or learn the basic technique after your first attempts on the trail? Then our courses for beginners are just right for you.

In small groups and a relaxed atmosphere, we work on the MTB basics together. With the right technique, fun and action are guaranteed. We start on the flat and in our training area before the cable car takes us up for the first descent.


Practice makes perfect!

Have you mastered the basic technique, are you confident on blue trails and have already tried your hand at red trails? Then join our courses for advanced riders.

In our courses and camps, we will refine your riding technique, learn active cornering and try your first jumps.


Faster, higher, further!

If you're confident on red trails and have mastered jumping and cornering techniques, then it's time to move on to our courses for experts.

We'll hone your technique so that you can master even the biggest challenges. We dare to tackle the house drop, enjoy airtime on the Freeride trail and conquer roots and rocks on the Downhill and Hill Bill trail.

Registration & Contact

Come to the Bikeschool Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis and together we will find the right course for you. The bike school is located in the bike store at the Waldbahn valley station. You are also welcome to contact us by phone or e-mail:

Phone: +43/5476/53077-14

You can also book all courses and camps via our online store.