Weather forecast for Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis

today, Tuesday 01.04.
3 °C
-3 °C

hours of sunshine
3 h
risk of precipitation

morning 30%
afternoon 0%

zero degree level
1400 m

last update: 01.04.2025 00:25

A high pressure system centered over northwestern Europe will dominate the weather this week. At the beginning of the week, we are still on its eastern flank in a changeable but increasingly dry north-easterly to easterly current, which will also bring us quite cool air masses. As a result, we will still have to deal with compact, high fog-like residual clouds on Tuesday, making it difficult for the sun to shine. Around the middle of the week, the high with its center will then temporarily extend more strongly towards the Alps. The air will continue to dry out and bright sunshine in a cloudless sky will take command of the weather. At the same time, it will become significantly warmer at all altitudes. However, the intense return of the warm spring weather will be short-lived, as the high pressure system will increasingly retreat to the west again towards the weekend. As a result, we will once again find ourselves on its eastern flank in a current that turns back to the north, which will then cause a renewed push of cold air from the north in our direction.

Wednesday 02.04.
9 °C
-2 °C
  • 9h hours of sunshine
  • risk of precipitation
  • 0% morning
  • 0% afternoon
Thursday 03.04.
13 °C
0 °C
  • 9h hours of sunshine
  • risk of precipitation
  • 0% morning
  • 0% afternoon
Friday 04.04.
15 °C
2 °C
  • 9h hours of sunshine
  • risk of precipitation
  • 0% morning
  • 0% afternoon