Huts & restaurants in SErfaus-Fiss-Ladis

Restaurant Hiasl Stubn


"Bei ins in der Hiasl's Stubn da kema die Leit zåmm".
The restaurant in Serfaus is a popular meeting place - for locals and guests alike. Which means something. It is not only the cosy atmosphere of the Tyrolean parlour that invites you to linger and enjoy, but also the hearty Tyrolean fare that our kitchen team upholds and interprets imaginatively. From the bacon dumpling soup to the apple strudel, we preferably get the best ingredients from the region and create tasty dishes for you with a lot of love. And because we are cosmopolitan, international dishes are also on the menu. And don't worry, we also speak german. See you soon and enjoy your meal!


Hiasl Stubn
Dorfbahnstrasse 74
AT 6534 Serfaus

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